
Viser opslag fra 2017

Beast Tamer Color Test

Class coloring exercise! :^) done shortly after the Beast Tamer comic was inked. August 26-ish

Beast Tamer

Made during the first weeks of the 2nd year of GS15 :) Was supposed to be colored by due to time restraints only had time to finish the inks. Learned a valuable lesson in the photoshop tool that makes the blueprint sketch dissappear when scanned in!

Castle Coloring exercise

friday 16. september 2016 Coloring exercise, same location during 4 different times.

Spontanious Comic course

Spontaneous Comics course. Assignment: do a diary comic

Exam Comic

This is probably the biggest turn-out I've ever done in terms of equal amounts of quantity and quality so far with comics. We had 5 days to come up with and create a minimum of 2 comic pages, though I managed to pump out 4, so I'm pretty damn satisfied myself.

Erotic Thriller

So as my class and I are nearing the finish line of our first year of the Graphic Storytelling programme, we are now split into groups of four where we’re making a 28 page comic in a specific genre. My group has Erotic Thriller and last week we finished our script. Now it's time to get to work: First we were gonna design our characters. I was put in charge of designing the old neighbor lady that would play a small part of our comic Then sketch up the pages and then finish them up - Insert 2 finished Pages here - and then I was put in charge of designing the posters we'd have for when we'd sell them. They were really fun to make, had a ton of fun writing the quirky little taglines as well. Definitely one of the most raunchy projects I've ever been part of, it was fun though!