
Viser opslag fra november, 2016

Silja Lin Childhood Story

Matt Bors exercise; the assignment was to make a journalistic comic page based on an interview we'd do with our fellow classmates. Her experiences takes place at a farm where she almost got crushed by a calf.

Super Mario Bros Adventure

The last week of Ed Piskor’s class we were asked to make a three-four page adaptation of our favourite story. I decided to make something based of the famous video game franchise, Super Mario. A tiny few tweaks in design was fun to do, not to mention figuring out how to make it work as a comic book story format while adding some extra humor to it. I'm planning to color this later on when I finally decide to get off my lazy ass and get it done.  

Sleeping Beauty

During our week with Ed Piskor as our teacher we had to a wordless, two page adaptation of an old fairytale.  I got Sleeping Beauty

Gesture Drawings Part 2

Silhuette Scissor-cut drawings from Gesture Drawing Week.

Gesture Drawings

Lotsa drawings from Gesture Drawing Week

Ed Piskor: Recent Event

This exercise is about taking a recent event and fit the story into 9 panels. My daily life is pretty uneventful, but visiting a good friend is always something, so that's what's depicted here; a casual visit. :) (There's supposed to be two more versions of the same story but shortened down to 6 and 3 panels, but I couldn't find them...)